Saturday, November 15, 2008


My 16 year old daughter wrote this on her facebook today and I thought it worth sharing.

What I don't understand is why Christian's are stereotyped as the hateful religion. I understand that there is a tiny minority of extremeists that will beat you over the head with a Bible and tell you you're going to hell, but what I don't understand is why this tiny minority is portrayed by nonchristians as the majority of Christians.

I'm a Christian. I will not try to "save you from hell" by telling you you're going there. I'll tell you that I believe there's someplace better, and that's where I'm going, and because I love you, I want you very much to come with me.

I'm a Christian because I believe there's a better way to live than to hold grudges, to hold hate, and to hold onto me and mine.

I am a Christian because while some may deem it illogical to believe in a God you have no proof of, I deem it illogical to believe that we as humanity are a supreme power and a supreme knowledge. There is so much we don't know that we search everyday to know, which means we believe that there is knowledge we can gain. But for knowledge to exist, someone MUST know it. Therefore I believe there is something bigger than myself, that understands what I don't and can't. I believe that there is more to the universe than I can ever explain or experience through my five senses.

I am a Christian because I believe that even though I am human and a hypocrite, my honest tries to help, comfort, and love, even though imperfect, can be made helpful, comforting, and loving through the perfection of my God.

I am not a Christian because I believe the Bible word for word. I am a Christian because I believe that the best way to live, is to live with the same unconditional, ever-forgiving love that Jesus Christ lived with. I believe in loving and cherishing absolutely everyone, and I believe that I can love someone I disagree with without agreeing with them. Jesus hung out with the worst of sinners and loved them as much as anyone "righteous". He loved them, just not what they were doing.

Thus I write this note, not out of hate, not out of spite, but in HOPE of a better way and in HOPE of opening minds. If you don't believe in my God, okay. But don't hate me because I do, because I don't hate you because you don't. I ask you to stop stereotyping Christians as hateful, but to start realizing that everyone is human, Christian or non-Christian. MOST Christians do not claim to be any better or to sin any less than a non Christian. So please stop holding us to the standards of perfection. We don't believe we are way better, we believe in a better way. If you truly want to eliminate hate, don't hate Christians who don't hate you. Let's stop being blind to any kind of hate on EITHER side, Christian or non Christian, and encourage love.

This is the video that inspired my rant. I am not trying to accuse or justify, I am simply asking you to not overlook Christians like this, the majority of Christians, and suggest that we stop uncalled for hatred on any side.

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Day in the Life

For any of you interested in a day in the life of an 11th grader in public highschool, my eldest has written an amusing article about her election day experiences. Her new blog Survivor: Rome Highschool Edition is located at .